Lake Laka
The Bohemian Forest glacial lakes have rocky bottoms which are clogged with silt from the surrounding forests. But the bottom of Lake Laka is not rocky; instead, there is a layer of peat. The lake is slowly becoming overgrown over time, with floating islands in the middle. Its dam has been artificially raised. In the surroundings, there are mainly deer fern, eared willows, round-leaved sundews, mountain dogwood and bogbean. The floating islands are home to marsh cinquefoil, bulbous rush and silvery sedge. The lake has a gradual lake wall. The waters of the lake were used to power grinding machines in the glassworks in Hůrka and Stará Hůrka settlements.
How does one get to the lake?
From Železná Ruda, follow the green-marked trail to Debrník, then follow the red-marked trail uphill over the Nad Polomem pass to Lake Laka. The trail is approximately 10 km long, and if you travel by bicycle, the trail will be extended by about 2 km. Before Lake Laka, you have to go through Hůrka. The other option is to drive to Nová Hůrka (9 km), then take the blue-marked trail through Hůrka to Lake Laka, which is approximately 4.2 km. The road is slightly uphill and is also suitable for cyclists and families with children – even with little ones in a pram.
Lake Laka in numbers
- - It covers an area of 2.78 hectares
- - The circumference of the lake is 870 metres
- - The maximum depth is 3.9 metres, with an average depth of 1.43 metres